A semi truck is a very different kind of beast when it comes to maintenance and servicing. With the kind of work you put it through, you’ll need to make sure you’re completely up to date on all service checks and that your semi is in peak working condition. That’s why Palmer Trucks has provided some servicing tips, including the things you can do at home and what you’ll want to get checked out by a professional on a regular basis.
If you’re still looking for a service team you can trust, then try one of our many locations in Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Illinois, where you’ll find experienced technicians to help you with all your maintenance checks and repairs.
Use Your Owner’s Manual
The most important tip we can give you is to pull out the owner’s manual. While we can provide some general advice, the place you’ll find information on your particular model is in the manual. Consult it before attempting any maintenance or repairs.
As with any vehicle, your semi truck’s tires are the foundation of safety and efficiency. The difference is you’re looking at a lot more weight to throw around. Before every haul, you’ll want to check the tire pressure to ensure it’s within the proper psi range. While you’re down there, inspect the treads for signs of damage or excessive wear. This should include all your tires, even the spare. Keep in mind that you’ll want to replace your semi’s tires every three to six years, especially if you use it to haul cargo full-time. If you manage an entire fleet, you’ll want to keep track of how old each tire or set of tires is so you know when it’s time to start thinking about getting them replaced.
Brakes and Suspension
Another essential component is your brakes. It’s why checking the brake drums, shoes, and pads regularly is going to be an essential part of your maintenance routine. The moment you feel your brakes might be compromised, get them repaired.
Poor suspension might just seem like it’s a nuisance, but it can also put undue strain on parts that aren’t used to the stress. That’s why your suspension also needs to be checked and serviced regularly. Luckily, this won’t necessarily need to be repaired as often as some of your other parts, but the more you ignore a problem, the more expensive the repair will be.
Your windows may not always take top priority when you think about maintenance, but they’re essential to your line of sight. After a long haul, you might have more than a few bug guts scattered across the windshield. Keep your windows and windshield clean and refill the windshield washer fluid as needed. If one of your windows gets cracked, from debris or an accident, try to replace it as soon as possible to maximize safety and visibility.
Increasing Your Truck’s Lifespan
Regular servicing is all about maintaining or even extending your truck’s lifespan. Semis are designed to last, even under grueling conditions, but not if you don’t take care of them. Some additional maintenance that you might find helpful include:
- Clean the diesel particulate filter
- Clean the diesel oxidation catalyst
- Clean the aftertreatment fuel injector
- Perform regular oil changes
- Keep the semi clean
If you find yourself encountering a repair you’re not equipped or experienced enough to handle yourself, then consider contacting our service department here at Palmer Trucks. We’ll set you up with one of our experienced technicians and get you back on the road in no time. We have locations all across Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Illinois.