Palmer Trucks

CEO John Nichols delivers thank you letter for ATD Dealer of the Year nomination

February 7, 2019




By Palmer Trucks

Palmer Trucks

Media Contact:
Cameron Nichols
Marketing Manager
(317) 247 8421

Palmer Trucks CEO John Nichols delivers thanks for ATD Dealer of the Year nomination

INDIANAPOLIS, IND., February 7, 2019

To my colleagues, partners, customers, and the truck industry-at-large:

On January 24,2019, I traveled with my wife and family to San Francisco for the American Truck Dealers meeting.  Normally, this is a time to promote the industry and craft, strengthen our economic and policy stature, and network with some of the best professionals in the truck industry.  This year was different, however.  I was nominated to represent Palmer Trucks of Indianapolis for American Truck Dealers’ Dealer of the Year. Taking part in this process helped me reflect on the achievements of our industry, the development of our business, and the impact of the people around me. 

As I traveled to the meeting, I thought about the impact that the technological revolution has had on our industry and our world.  In today’s society, one points and clicks to make a purchase—simply expecting delivery to the front door within a matter of hours.  Unsung heroes in the truck industry make that rapid delivery possible: It’s the driver alone on the road at 3 a.m., away from his family.  It’s the technician in subzero temperatures making sure the truck runs smoothly to get the item delivered on time.  These unnoticed, every day heroes move the industry and firms like Palmer Trucks forward. For that I say-Thank you.

From the unsung heroes to Jodie Teuton’s impeccable leadership at ATD, this industry gives me great pride. Each part works together as a team toward a common goal. With ever-increasing challenges, the industry keeps moving forward more safely, more efficiently, and more environmentally-friendly than ever.  Throughout my career, I have seen many highs and lows, but, repeatedly, the team rises to the occasion stronger, more innovative, and more impactful than ever.  It is an honor to be a part of such a legacy and phenomenal group of people.

I am forever grateful for the many ways that my father-in-law, Eldon Palmer, mentored and guided me when I started in the industry as a salesman in 1985. His wisdom, patience, warm personality, and high standards have made me a better person and a professional.  I feel that this is reflected day-in and day-out in our organization.  Palmer Trucks now employs more than 600 people and serves four states as a Kenworth dealer for more than 50 years. It is the best legacy for such a grounded, disciplined, and resourceful businessman and community leader.

This nomination for ATD Dealer of the Year ultimately reflects the commitment, professionalism, and capabilities of our team.  At Palmer Trucks, we are one family, whether by blood or by craft. My wife and I are fortunate to have our sons, Jacob and Scott, dedicated to the future of Palmer Trucks, and service to the industry. Thomas Kapitan, my Chief Operating Officer, exemplifies our “8 Feet Meet & Greet” philosophy.  It has been instrumental to our success internally and with our customers, as we strive to interact with each person with genuine compassion, warmth and empathy. 

I have always liked the quote from Ronald Reagan’s epitaph that says, “I know in my heart that man is good.  That what is right will always eventually triumph.  And there’s purpose and worth to each and every life.”  When I think about all the people that have made this nomination experience possible, I think about this quote.  The honor belongs to all of you—from the technicians, support people, and salespeople, to the managers and fellow executives, to the customers, partners, and ATD, I want to say a most heartfelt-thank you.

Warmest Regards,
John A. Nichols, CEO
Palmer Trucks, Inc.

About Palmer Trucks, Inc. – Palmer Trucks, Inc. is the regional leader in the sale, lease, repair, finance and retail operation of Kenworth products through a current network of 10 full-service dealerships throughout the Midwest and East-South Central United States. Founded in Indianapolis during July of 1965 by Eldon Palmer, the company has since expanded as a third-generation, family-owned company throughout Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio. The Palmer team of more than 600 members is dedicated to the highest levels of service, friendliness and integrity as a dealer of the Kenworth ® brand – The World’s Best ® medium and heavy-duty trucks. Palmer Trucks is an A+ rated and accredited member of the Better Business Bureau.