Palmer Trucks

Thank you for keeping America on the road

September 15, 2018




By Palmer Trucks

The late nights and the early starts. The waits for the next load of cargo and the nightmare of urban traffic. The time away from home and family – holidays missed, children’s milestones not witnessed, birthday parties not celebrated together – it’s a sacrifice.

The demands are ever-increasing, and yet you persevere. We appreciate you.

You are the American truck driver.

As an organization that’s been On the Road Since 1965, we have the utmost honor and privilege to know and serve thousands of drivers, their businesses, and their families. While the truck is in the shop, we get a chance to know the drivers we serve. From a conversation at the coffee urn to a causal conversation in the drivers lounge, we understand that drivers are real people with real hopes, dreams, and concerns – just like us.

In a career where one is often away from their family, at Palmer, the driver is one of the family.

We take this responsibility and opportunity to build relationships seriously. From the guidance of our founder Eldon Palmer, we strive to work as hard as we can to provide the highest quality solutions and products to solve problems for the driver as a trusted partner.

This is a group effort, and we’re in it together.

Without the truck drivers of America, our economy would come to a screeching halt. Although often overlooked, we recognize you, value you, and salute you. Serving you is the privilege and honor that allows us to exist.

Thank you for your service. Have a happy and safe Truck Driver Appreciation Week.

Warmest Regards,
The Palmer Trucks Family